therapy sessions

Gestalt therapy is the therapy of authenticity: it’s about healing our relationships with ourselves through an authentic, loving and compassionate therapeutic relationship with our therapist and, in doing so, reengineering our relationship with the outside world.

my approach to therapy:

A HOLISTIC Four Step Process

inner dialogue

Bringing the unconscious inner mental, emotional and psychological world into awareness. Becoming aware of your inner world and inner dialogue.

An important first step.

the physical body

Becoming conscious of physical stress, tension in your body and the manifestation of emotional and psychological blockages into physical symptoms.

Building on our emotional awareness.

Stress management

Where the internal meets the external. Environment. Community. Relationships.

How is my external environment affecting my emotional and physical body?

nurturing & self care

Building up self-esteem, self-worth and self-love.

Now that I am aware of the impact of my environment on my inner world, what self care rituals can help me to truly take care of myself?

what clients say

“My problem was very serious, that's how I saw it at the time... One day I finally decided to go for a session at Dani’s practice. It was very difficult for me, just as it was difficult for me to move, to leave my house..., but finally I did it. I have to say that from the very first day I felt Dani’s comprehension, warmth and love. She never judged me but instead asked me questions that made me think and reflect. I had her help, her support, her patience and comprehension. I couldn’t have done it alone.”

“I participated in many group sessions designed and led by Dani and I can say that in every session she created an atmosphere of trust and freedom that allowed me to experience and share feelings that were tough.”

“Our sessions helped me so much in my personal process. She helped me to gain new tools and resources and change my perspective.”

* Testimonials are kept anonymous to protect client confidentiality.

Frequently asked questions

  • It is known to be a deep and powerful form of psychotherapy which falls under the category of Humanistic psychotherapy. It has many defining principles but, in a nutshell, it is a powerful tool to bring focus to emotions and sensations in the body in the present moment, it seeks to refocus us on our body and how it speaks to us, helps us take responsibility for our choices and learn to live more authentically, aligned with our needs and purpose.

    I’ve seen countless times its utility in my own life and in others and the powerful change, opening and awareness it can bring about.

  • It is best to start with weekly sessions, although this will depend on whether you have previously done therapy and it will also of course depend on your socioeconomic situation. Group therapy sessions are a great way to complement individual sessions and to experience a sense of community. We can discuss this.

    We may rather quickly change to sessions every two weeks and slowly even into once a month. It all depends on your needs and process, but, generally speaking, starting a therapeutic process involves opening yourself up, listening to your emotions and stepping into a more vulnerable heart space. It is highly recommended to start with weekly sessions to ensure that during this more vulnerable state you have the emotional support you initially need until you feel more stable and able to contain your emotions more independently.

  • Each therapeutic relationship is different. Some of us are looking for answers to very specific questions and want to work through one specific issue. Others are looking to deepen their relationship with themselves more generally or feel they have deep trauma to work through. So depending on your goals, this will require more short term counselling or longer term psychotherapy.

  • Each session lasts 55 minutes. I use predominantly Gestalt therapy techniques in my practice (see my articles for more info), but I also draw on a diveristy of other techniques including mindfulness, breathwork, art therapy and body expression. It all depends on the situation and what your therapeutic goals are.

  • I ask that clients please give 48 hours notice if needing to cancel a session. Under 48 hours notice, I will have to charge for the session. Emergency situations will of course be taken into consideration and in general I will try wherever possible to make schedule changes to accommodate you.